Mirror mirror on the wall, whose heart is the healthiest of them all?
To mark its annual Heart Week, the Belgian Heart League has launched a campaign to raise awareness of the risks associated with bad habits such as smoking, unhealthy eating and lack of exercise, which have adverse repercussions on our cardiovascular health.
“Bad habits age your heart” seeks to demonstrate that balance is essential to preserving an optimal heart age, notably through an online tool to estimate your heart age. Developing a dedicated landing page, practical advice on how to adopt a healthier lifestyle were also published online.
The Crew proposed on top of the usual communication channels (radio, social media, leaflets, posters and press ads), a creative approach triggering immediate engagement from targeted audiences:
– The first activation consisted of guerrilla marketing with team members sticking intriguing messages on mirrors inside bars, coffee shops, hair salons, restaurants, and offices. The objective was to push people to contemplate and question their heart age rather than their real age… in the end, we all look at ourselves in the mirror, checking how we’re aging by monitoring our skin, but we all tend to forget about the real aging factors and their impact on our heart health.
– The second activation consisted of sidewalk interviews through which participants were to discover their heart age based on a questionnaire. One thing is sure, results were unexpected!
Belgian Heart League
Rik Vanhoof
Audrey Velghe
Damien Walckiers
Art director
Delfina Veron Chavanne
Account manager
Ingrid Bedoyan
Motion design and animation
Tim Tassent
Campaign manager & Data analysis
Rik Peetermans
Production house
Sound studio
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