steadily increased all along the campaign
Insults, injuries, theft of equipment, throwing of stones or fireworks…
Aggressions that Belgian firefighters and emergency workers have to face every day, in addition to the risks of their jobs, increased in recent years – especially in big cities during the festive season. And yet, only a few people know it.
But when they discover it, they are shocked. It is a serious phenomenon and there is nothing funny about it.
That is the starting point of “It’s not funny”, the national campaign we realized in close partnership with IBZ – Civil Security, aiming at raising awareness among the general public as well as supporting firefighters and emergency workers through the hardships of their work.
To do so, we developed, produced, and strategized a digital campaign focused on a message of respect, solidarity, and valorization.
Allowing testimonials to talk about their jobs through some interviews, we showed how essential they are for the entire society.
But, most importantly, we leveraged communication channels and content to create real engagement.
“It’s not funny” is more than just a campaign with its posters, logo, hashtag (#WeStandWithFirefighters), and website (https://notfunny.ibz.be/).
It is an activation!
We involved people gathering their shocked reaction during a “micro-trottoir”, encouraged them to take a stand on social media by using the stickers and the hashtag of the campaign, and called them to action via the “wall of respect”.
The latter works as a manifesto that everyone can sign to support firefighters and emergency workers to claim the end of gratuitous violence against them.
The campaign has been live for 4 weeks (15/12/2023 – 15/01/2024) on YouTube, Snapchat, Facebook, Instagram and he website (https://notfunny.ibz.be).
IBZ – Civil Security
Damien Dermaux
Sandra Schroos
Account and Project manager
Livia Corbelli
Damien Walckiers
Art director
Delfina Veron Chavanne
Sophie Colens
Livia Corbelli
Graphic designer
Zoé Quertigniez
Danielle Verlinden
Campaign Manager
Rik Peetermans
Web developer
Dieter Jeanty
Production house
Gaëtan Chekaiban