Are you familiar with cardiomyopathies? These are diseases of the heart muscle that can either be inherited from one of your parents or linked to other risk factors. They affect up to 1 in 200 people of all ages. Although many people with cardiomyopathy are asymptomatic, cardiomyopathy is the leading cause of heart failure and transplants in young people. So, it’s vital to get tested, especially if a member of your family has cardiomyopathy or if you are showing symptoms.
Together with the Belgian Cardiological League, we realized a new awareness campaign that aims to inform Belgians about this disease‘s causes, symptoms, and treatments so that everyone can be better protected.
The campaign rolls out throughout March on the League’s social networks, via posters and brochures in hospitals and medical centers and on the website (https://liguecardioliga.be/cardiomyopathies).
The campaign also turns on YouTube with a video telling the story of four cardiomyopath people – Benjamin and his mother Anne-Marie, and Nele and her father Robert.
The stories of the two interviewed families really touched us: they show how important it is to take care of your heart and, therefore, of your beloved ones.
Ligue Cardiologique Belge
Rik Vanhoof
Audrey Velghe
Account Director
Joëlle Belangé
Strategic Lead
Damien Walckiers
Emma Decock
Delfina Veron Chavanne
Zoé Quertigniez
Graphic designers
Zoé Quertigniez
Johan Van Ransbeek
Campaign Manager & Data Analyst
Rik Peetermans
Videos: Echo Echo